This is the place where I round up a corral chock-full of mixed media art, vintage collections, digital escapades, and some occasionally snarky observations about life with junk, books, rescue dogs and nearly-grown children.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Longing for Springtime

The Pet Show, originally uploaded by Calsidyrose.

This lovely image of children with their pets came from my stash of paper scraps. I don't know the illustrator because I pulled the image from an old discarded library book. The poem is sweet and the children are adorable.

Spring Bouquet

Flowers from my daughter for Valentine's Day.

Spring Lamb

A tiny chalkware lamb found at a thrift store.

Fountain Mist

And a fountain in a swanky neighborhood near our house.

The Texas redbuds are blooming, and the flowering magnolias in my neighbor's yard are open. Along the canal near my house, I spotted the first tiny bluets and the white bells of false onion. The deer vetch has also begun to bloom.


  1. I love that old print! It's August now, and after this hot, hot summer I'm longing for Springtime once again (but I'll take fall in a minute or however quickly it would like to come)!

  2. Love your site, Cathi! I too love dogs and kitties and horses...I even have a mini donkey!
    Paula Guhin at Mixed Media Manic.


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