Detail from a vintage tourist map of Tokyo.

Front and back covers of a Japanese tourist brochure, most likely from Hokkaido, circa 1960s. I acquired a packet of vintage travel ephemera from eBay. I like the strong design elements in this piece--Japanese graphics never fail to impress.

Enbiggen this postcard from Cairo, Egypt to appreciate the stamps and cancellations and to read about the journey. I lived in Tripoli, Libya, when I was in junior high.

This postcard-size image of Waikiki at dusk is actually a tiny painting, done on canvas board. I found it at Savers on O'ahu in 2000.
And from a vintage manual for Naval seaman:
This 1940 copy of "The Bluejackets' Manual" belonged to Raymond McAfee, A.S., and contains detailed instructions about every aspect that a Naval seaman might have needed to know in those months before World War II began for the American military.
In case you find yourself on a boat and need to know which way is "on starboard beam."
The Navy Standard Compass Card. Love the fleur de lis at the North Point. I hope you enjoy these scanned bits of history.